
I've wanted to have a go at light-orbs for a while now... and in the absence of wire wool... :-) 

I didn't write anything 'blip-related' on 1st January because I'd only be repeating myself a couple of days later. In any case, so many other people have eloquently pleaded Blip's cause that I feel there is little else to say in terms of the general appeal. 

But from a personal point of view:

- I never thought I would last ten days, let alone a thousand.  I sincerely hope that Blip will still be going in another thousand days.

- I am staggered by the fact that I have had over 66000 views.

- Through interacting with the community I have made friends, been inspired and pushed myself to post the best possible picture each day.

- The photo-a-day habit is so ingrained that it's hard to imagine life without it. The times when it has been hard or an unneeded pressure have been more than cancelled out by the benefits, opportunities and pleasure it has brought.

So here's to the Blip platform of the future, on which I hope to be marking my 3rd and many more subsequent years of blipping.

(And yes, I have pledged...)

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