A Snapshot a Day

By AgathasMum

The Mind Boggles!

It's always an adventure ambling around an american supermarket, and todays trip to Giant was a mind-boggling experience.

1. What is with the american obsession with pumpkin and pumpkin spice???? In autumn it's in everything from coffee to bread and cakes to er.....chicken sausage. For the record I have an aversion to all things pumpkin, so this got a big EWWWWWWWW from me.

2. Do americans realise that shepherds look after sheep not cows? Their "beef shepherds pie" is a bit weird, and I bet at this time of the year the season it with pumpkin spice too ;)

3. They had organic lung flavoured cat treats for sale.

No I wasn't tempted by any of them!

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