Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Yet Another Beagle

Woke to the sound of the wind battering at the window this morning, lay listening for a few minutes before deciding that it at least sounded dry and that it was safe to get up. It even stayed dry for our morning dog walk. We were joined by the very handsome Ben, a black lab who very much enjoyed D throwing the ball for him - I think throwing a ball for an obedient dog was what he had in mind when we got a dog, but we chose a beagle which is a totally different adventure, a crazy, love and fun filled adventure just not the one that instantly springs to mind when dog ownership is imagined. I think D was also secretly pleased that Ben kept bringing the ball to him as he could throw it further than anyone else.

Christmas has been packed away for another year - tinsel and fairy lights removed  from where they landed when Christmas threw up on us in early December. This little beagle was the only new tree decoration bought this year, couldn't resist. Now relaxing in a uncluttered living room, enjoying the end of the holiday before everything slowly returns to normal next week.

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