In Transition

By FSmac

Tea Lights

. . . amongst other things, including a dying Poinsettia plant, it looked lovely two weeks ago, clearly unhappy with it's location.

Today I only ventured at far as the local hall to drop short stuff to a Nerf gun get together, boys battling with rubber bullets. He was dropped home an hour and a half later, in his words, fairly knackered. 

At this time of year I normally feel relaxed and optimistic about my life in general, kind of at peace. This year I can't say I feel any of those things, with the weather being fairly dire and stuck indoors, albeit of my own volition, my mind has had far too much time to dwell on things, thinking lots and achieving nothing. So an early night, a good sleep and start afresh in the morning with a clear head and a positive attitude, hopefully!

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