Swimmers' Log Book


Emergency blip

Ok, two days ago I said how I'd given up 'emergency blipping' but today I found myself looking for something to snap before going up to bed. It was going to be our newly arranged lounge furniture, but my upside down girl has already done that, so instead here is our firmly rooted but messy-as-ever coffee table. I believe I blipped the making of it many moons ago, and I think pledged to always keep it tidy! Oh well!!

As you can see we it currently sports the remains of Christmas (walnuts, candle, new book and wooden decorations that missed the loft-run); the result of my bookcase clear-out (old Highway Code for Chloe); Heidi's purse, my hot-pad, an empty glass and an omni-present hair band. Plus a few other odds and sods that I can't quite make out from the thumbnail.

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