Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

Long live Blip!

OK, I forgot about doing a photo with "Blip" in it - I was distracted by Storm Frank and problems getting back to Edinburgh - so this is a fairly lame effort, a view from the train.

Blip has changed my life - I spend more time outside of myself looking around, and taking loads of lousy photos, trying to get a half decent one. It gets me to go outside when I might otherwise have stayed in. I often think that however little else I've achieved, at least I've taken a blip.

Blip is also a tyrant - there are days when the last thing I want to do is be bothered to take pictures, but I always do because I think if I missed a day, the spell would be broken and I might give up. I hate getting behind with my journal, which happens quite often - it weighs on me - but it's a great feeling of relief when I've caught up.

My main regret is that I don't get much time to look at other people's journals - it always seems to be past my bedtime by the time I've finished my own journal.

I really, really hope that Blip will go on - my life wouldn't be the same without it.

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