In My World

By JoanneInOz

MM102 ~ Beginning.

It's been a while since I participated in Mono Monday, so I thought that today would be a new beginning for my entries. I've always enjoyed the challenge and have even hosted for a month, about a year ago.

The beautiful purple Tibouchina tree just outside my front door is beginning to flower again. They usually flower during spring and autumn, but this summer has been so mild that I think the poor plant is confused. Mind you, I don't mind if we miss the summer heat altogether this year and head straight into autumn, it's been a lovely change not to feel hot and clammy all day, every day. I'm beginning to enjoy the change in the weather. :)

Osuzanna is our lovely host of Mono Monday this month. She says we can "loosely" follow the theme, so long as our entries are in black and white. I've managed to get the word beginning into my text three times, albeit loosely! Thank you for hosting, Suzanne.

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