Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

B's on the beach

Woke up and managed to get Kilda to have a lie in with us. Needed the sleep. Did a dry run to doggie day care this morning to see how long it will take on Tuesday and then headed to Crammond for a walk. While on the beach we met another Spanish Water Dog. He was 2 ½ years old and tolerated Kilda playing with his tail. She is getting much better around dogs now. Good to see what she will grow up to be. While we were there we had a phone call from the B’s who were on their way back from Loch Lomond and arranged to meet at Portie for a beach walk. Kilda only had a brief nap before going to meet them. Had a nice play on the beach even if Kilda did think Rjukan beat her up. She never touched her but it was good practice for Tuesday. Managed to have a meal in the pub with her for the first time. Stressful keeping an eye on her and hoping she didn’t pee while we were there. She was good in the end.

Came home for a bit of a rest and an early night. Only one day left before work. Here is CB and baby JB, who didn’t like the wind.

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