
By AroundHome

Mourning Dove at the Park

Traveled to Lake Renwick Forest Preserve (Will County) as well as to Lake Bartlett looking for greater white-fronted geese, but without success. There are so many Canada geese crowding into ponds and lakes which have not skimmed over with ice that it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. There are thousands of Canada geese at Renwick and 500 or so at Lake Bartlett.

Returned to Saw Wee Kee Park. For bird's perspective photos tried sitting on an 8 inch collapsible plastic stool, but it was a little low for comfort. Took most photos kneeling, which has the advantage of being able to modify height to a small degree.

First bird to show up and feed at new bird feeder at home was a female house finch. Will post feeder photos in the near future after figuring out a good way to take these pics.

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