
By samsticks

One Thousand

Today marks my 1000th blip.

It's quite apt that I'm posting it as a backblip, as this seems to have become my relationship with blip now. I knew that it was on the way, but I hadn't actually worked out when it was going to fall.

The perils of cluster-blipping.

Unfortunately this also means that I'm not marking the blipday with anything special - this is the roof of the 'eyeful tower' at the Coromandel Train which we drove up to today.

I have to admit to having thoughts of allowing blip to run its course for me. I have had an incredible experience on this site over the last (nearly) three years, and looking back at Miles growing up from a young baby and all the things that have happened to our family, good and bad, is amazing.

In an attempt to not spend all my evenings with my head in a laptop, and spend better time with Gina, I allowed myself the reprieve of not posting every day (although I do take the photos every day). This has meant that I don't have the same attachment to the amazing community that makes the site so special. Most of my blips go unseen now as they're just relegated to the blips of the past in the wake of all the blippers who are doing it properly.

I don't have a problem with that, I've always said that I blip for myself, but it has made me wonder why I persevere.

With all of the talk of the future of the site, I've thought about what my contribution is these days. I hope that the site goes forward into the future, and the blipfuture team are doing an amazing job. I guess time will tell whether I manage to let myself not take a single photo one day.

In the meantime, thanks to everyone for having my along on the site, sharing your stories and the odd smattering of faves, stars and comments.

I'm not quite gone yet. :)

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