Young at Heart

Mist low down on the hill this morning, Juno made our way to the summit to be met by a fellow walker and dog appearing in the gloom. We continued together and chatted.

Work was a fantasy of Felicity.

Haircut at lunchtime.

Eco mum had got a sneeaky wee invute to A Creative Scotland gig at Waverley Gate si I met her after work to head along. We looked at Harry Papadopoulos photos from the 80's and had a wee daunder down memory lane. They look so young but I still think I am that age. Mr Edinburgh Cool Malcolm Ross did a couple of songs with some Edinburgh musicians then the men from the west came on. Mostly made up of Bluebells they did a set before east and west joined to finish the night.

Met a fine young man at the gig and had a great chat and made some plans. After the chat I contacted a mutual friend and he is up for lunch all very exciting.

Update on hens, they started laying very soft shells. They come oout and go in the henhouse themselves now and they are great.


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