A Twinkle in My Eye!

I have a day off today so decided to take down the decorations. Its always sad to see them go but always feels good to have a tidy. As pretty as they are, it makes the house look very cluttered and messy.

The juicing is going well. I'm quite enjoying them actually but I'm finding its giving me quite a headache. Its strange not actually chewing anything all day as its all liquid, but at least I don't feel hungry.

I have also taken on another challenge this year of taking a Selfie a day at the same time of day and trying to include Mr W! It follows on from the picture that was taken of us both at 2.30 on Saturday. I will take a picture of myself where ever I happen to be at 2.30 that day. Then if I havn't managed to get a blip sorted, Iv always got a Selfie to scare you with!! Its not because Im vain, but its another way of documenting my day where I try to include exactly what Im doing that day!!! Its quite a challenge!!! Just like the juicing!!

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