
By FergInCasentino

The Birds of Hope meet the Ship of Blip

Or something like that.

£93,073 pledged. It's ticking up. But six days away from that meeting/negotiations.

If you've missed the fun there is still time to pledge and save the Blip ship. Catch up here on my latest blog or go Blip Central.

I've also put together an appeal letter here. Feel free to copy text and edit to make it your own and send to your favourite benefactor.  Or tweet, email, FB using the 'share' (ahhh) buttons.

It has been a day of torrential showers and minimum light in East Kent. At one point I was out in our lane with my sweeping broom encouraging the stream that forms in such weather to carry the stones, mud and pine needles further down the hill to the sea.

I'll pop up an extra of the gerenal feel of the day. (It's not mono but the day was.)

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