Time to go home.

Survived the first day back at work. I'll get used to it again ;)

Thanks everyone for giving me so many kind comments, stars, and hearts over the last few days. I apologise for not commenting on your journals, or replying to you all for a day or two. Catching up with all the things I should have done in the holidays!
(And I've still got all yesterday's photos to process.)

My Blip Contingency Plan:
Although I have a Facebook account, I really don't like putting much on there, so today I have opened a new facebook account - Wee Flecky. This will be my new account for Blippers and photo stuff. Please send me your friends requests so that we can keep in touch (even if we're already Facebook friends on my Mairi Fleck account). Maybe Blip will survive and we won't need to use it, but it's there just in case.

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