Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Jeeves and his playroom

We get Amazon deliveries and the boxes are shared between the cats and bunnies but Jeeves always gets the paper, he loves it.

Quick blip as most of my day has been spent horizontal, vertical meant feeling sick and well yep very sick. Head hurts but so does my tummy and my back, thought it was migraine but think it's hormones and am about to be hit by a train. The internet suggests that my first period after laparoscopy might be more painful, really!? Great. Cause like I need extra vomitastic pain and woozy and nausea on top of the normal vomitastic, woozy nausea feeling.

Oh yeah I got the results. All normal. Yay. Er but wait, what? Is no one gonna explain why I have such a hard time being, well just being female! :(

Oh well time to curl up in a ball and cry some more.

P.S I watched a film called Cake today about a woman suffering chronic pain, it was very well done.

P.P.S Please help save blip, pledge if you can, share if you can't and explain why blip is so important (it's cheaper than therapy!). I don't want a world where I no longer get to see Dylan and Kiki and Rosie and all the other bunnies. Or all the awesome journals, interesting photos, great stories, wow photos and everyday peeps into people's lives, sharing of moments.

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