Daisy Daisy

Yes I'm still working from home and yes I am taking things easily.

In between showers Murphy and I went for a quick walk around the garden.  I heard a bee and found this little daisy in the long grass.  When we should have cut the grass in autumn it was wet and as we have had the mildest and wettest December it still hasn't been cut.

Give me your answer do! Have you Pledged?

I love this place and I will do everything that I can to help to save it.  If I was a millionaire I would personally save the site but I am not.  If you are reading this and you have not pledged, then think about life without Blip.  I consider most of you friends but without Blip we will not be in touch with each other and you won't be able to share in my mad long walks around London as I search for different things to bring you.  So if you haven't pledged do it NOW please.

Thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting TinyTuesday this month.

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