Proud Weegie

By Shiv

A new View

Work progresses on the new party room for the Wee Weegies.

This will be a new part of the kitchen - big enough for a huge table and and enormous teapot.  

A bit like the Mad Hatters tea party !

BLipped this to keep my sister in Oz up to date!

A day off work for me.  Spending some time putting all my family tree stuff onto  I've been looking into the weegie tree for a few years now.  Got loads of bits of paper and found out some fascinating stuff.  Just need to get it organised.

Notably that our Great Great Great grandfather (on my paternal grandmother's side) was the Blacksmith in the wee village we moved to when I was 6.  Luckily I found this out when mum was still alive to tell her (and she was suitably impressed) but sadly my dad had passed away many years before - he would have loved that story.

James McKerracher (Blacksmith) had his lived at Ward House (Red Smiddy) which is now a big roundabout on the way to Bishopton.  But I remember the school bus passing the original house years ago.

The Church of All Hallows near the swing bridge was knocked down to extend the Glasgow Airport runways in the 70s, but you can still request a key to get in to see the ruins and gravestones.  James McKerracher was buried there - and we'll pop down and say hello one sunny day.  I remember walking round the ruins and gravestones years ago with my mum and dad when we were out for a walk.  Little did my dad know he was actually visiting his Great Great Grandfather's grave.

A day off work for me - watching the joiners hard at work !

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