The Abyss

I've pledged. Have you? We are running out of time, I do hope blip can be saved, I can't live without it, I know because I tried when I sold my was like I had lost a limb. 

I missed the challenge of looking for a photo each day. When I started blipping I was already a keen photographer, but blip made me look closely at the world around me. I saw potential pics in the most obscure places...I fine tuned my eye. 

I missed the chance to be creative, to try unusual shots. I could have done them anyway, I hear you say...but it is the sharing with others that made it special. I have messed around and done some silly pics, I've taken selfies that I hope have made people smile...the wigs, face paints and other accessories helped with my tongue in cheek slant on life. 

I missed my friends. I knew that whatever type of day I'd had, that whatever time of day I arrived home there was a family of blippers out there whom I could chat with, I could share ideas with, I could laugh with, I could learn from....or I could just pass the time of day with. I could NOT live without that. I could not live without you lovely lot.

So....we cannot enter into the abyss. We mustn't lose our beloved blip. 

Ok.....I've said my bit :)

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