
Nothing like a good scratch behind the ear.  Mind you penguins definitely make that look awkward!

In extras is proof that penguins are not at all territorial.  They seem quite happy to be sharing space with a rabbit family or two.

I led Aragon69 and Kiwilizzie on a trek today up to visit mutual friends in Central Otago today.  N and B live way up in the Central Otago hills just south of Middlemarch.  We had a lovely time spent sitting outside chatting over an extended lunch whilst enjoying some amazing scenery.

I was planning to head north from there, whereas the others were heading back south.  But it was suggested that they might go north with me as far as the penguin colony at Moeraki before they swung round and back to the Catlins.  Seemed like a good idea as they had never seen the colony and Aragon69 wasn't going to get any other chances while in New Zealand (she heads home to Britain in a fortnight).

Fortunately there were half a dozen penguins about so it was worthwhile for her.  I would hate for them to have gone so far out of their way and found there were none about!

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