Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

And so it begins

Last night as I walked home from work, I saw families eking out the last few twinkly hours of their Christmas lights and decorations before they took them down.

At lunch time I took a very long detour to get some keys cut at work.  As I walked past bins, they were strewn with Christmas carnage.  Trees done their job and cast aside.  Knowing I was going out this evening, I stopped for a quick snap to ensure I had something in the camera.

The Boy met me from work and we headed to a local pub to meet a friend for "Sociable Wednesday".  I think the lure of Stovies was enough to drag The Boy out if nothing else.

I should have been brave and asked the people at the next table if I could photograph their beautiful greyhounds that kept coming to say hello but I didn't have the confidence.

Glancing at windows as we walked home, I was glad to see a number of household keeping that Christmas cheer going a little longer on these cold wet nights.

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