Two Into One

Put on all my rain gear and ventured down the garden this morning.  In some places it was a foot (and half a leg!) deep and I can't imagine that any of the bulbs underneath will survive.  I was only out for ten minutes, but I got absolutely soaked, so haven't ventured out again all day.  

Once upon a time, we had two adjacent garden ponds, but now they are one and even that is flooding over on to the path to the left!  The extra is looking from the other side of the pond.  My husband has dug a channel in the hope of persuading some of the excess water to drain into the gully behind us, so I'll see how it is tomorrow.

Sorry about all the soggy blips, but wanted to keep a record of this exceptionally wet winter.  However, the forecast is for drier weather tomorrow until Sunday, so there may be light at the end of the tunnel:-)

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