Ruby & Effie

Mark called in today with Ruby, Ruby loves dogs big or small, she didn't know we were looking after Effie, with both dogs having to stay indoors because of the unrelenting heat outside Ruby was in her element with Milo & Effie to play with.
Mark & his family finally arrived home from their holiday down the South West after the horrendous bush fire diverted them making a 3-4 hour journey home into 7 long hours, they are home now safe and sound.
The fire still continues in yarloop a small town of 580 people, 98 homes have been lost to the fire, its the worst bush fire in 50 years, it was so hot it created its own weather pattern forming thunder clouds then more lightening strikes, it has now doubled in size,  its now heading for the town of Harvey, everyone there is on alert and praying for rain and lots of it. lets hope it happens soon...

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