
By Angelique


In between cutting glass yesterday, and the hail stones had stopped, I took Phoebe down to the sea.  The photo does not relate how ****** cold it was and as we turned away to walk back up the sand dune, the wind whipped the sand up giving any exposed skin a sand blasting treatment.  Phoebe, for once, was glad of her coat!

The other photo is the walk down from the house beside a neighbouring property.  Mr A couldn't come as he is suffering with earache and so far the drops he has been given haven't helped!!

Last night we took Phoebe for a trim.  She went in as Phoebe and came out looking like a poodle.  But she does smell nice and looks beautifully white.  I have trimmed the 'top knot' off this morning so she may appear in today's blip!!

Sending love and hugs to all my fellow blip mates.  Having pledged support to Blip yesterday, I hope you have all done the same so we can keep in touch. xxxxx

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