Buddleia flower

Yes despite everything, this brave plant, or to be more exact brave flower, on a sensible flower on a buddleia bush has come out to play today of all days. What on Earth was it thinking of even I didn't go out today. We made the decision to call off work early this morning as surveying the side of an A road/fields of crops was not going to be a good idea.

On the 11th of February (arbitrary date for an arbitrary and fairly low key challenge) I decided that I was going to try to photograph a whole year whilst not resorting to the late, last minute home ahhhh its 11.30pm Blip of a bookend type of affair, if it was to be a late last minute ahhhh Blip of a bookend kind of day then I would just have to force myself outside the confines of the four walls.

Today I almost binned the whole ludicrous idea but luckily Captain Buddleia saved the day.

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