live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

Flower Friday

Plus a busy butterfly.
Moving from this one to another one.

Got the other butterflies, you can see them on the extra photos.

Unfortunately, i'm bad at recognize butterfly's name.
Can you recognize him/her for me? :O)

Finally Friday is here..
Then weekend!

Many thanks for your sweet and lovely comments and hearts on my 1500blips on Dec 26 2015. I'm so overwhelmed. You are all rock!

Have a fab day, blipchums! xx

I had to delete my previous photo, it should have uploaded on Jan 7 2016, but i clicked the wrong date and appeared to be my Jan 8 2016 photo. Ahh.. stupid finger!
Today photo is the right one. Found these butterflies at the park near to my office. Took these ones after my lunch.

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