And one for me!

It's been quite a day! Friday group at my house and Grandbaby all day!  We were celebrating Epiphany with the French (and in other countries) Galette and my friend's birthday and I was doing the food! 

Here Grandbaby has some dried cranberries and is playing with her new teaset.  She holds the cranberries to the doll's mouth and then eats them!

One of my friends came in the morning and played with Grandbaby while I finished off the cooking.  At 5:00 when Grandbaby was collected, just as she was leaving with her mother she let go of her hand and ran back into the lounge to give my friend a big kiss goodbye!  Such a spontaneous gesture and you can imagine how pleased my friend was!

I've used mono here and would love to know what you think of it versus colour (extra)  also an extra of the birthday cake made with hazelnuts instead of flour! It was very nice but a bit rich!  I happily announced I was doing mono in January with Skeena but it's to be a February thing!  I didn't read his post properly!  Tut! Tut!  (anyone else fancy giving it a go?)

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