Couldn't get out today!

I had to take a day off work today, as I overdid things yesterday.
Thank you all for your support.

A report.
I saw the surgeon and he 'listened' which is unusual. Sadly there is no quick fix, first of all they need me to see the pain team, urgently. I've been waiting for five months already, they are really bogged down. They need me to get the pain under control. Until that, they can't do anything. They want me to have another MRI so that they can compare, also my foot wasn't in the best position on the last MRI it didn't include the whole of the heel! He said if I was living over there he would get his 'excellent team' to give me a steroid injection under ultrasound to pinpoint it perfectly. He could see by the images the trauma that was in my foot. He's talking about 'shock wave therapy' but says that I wouldn't be able to tolerate this at the moment as my foot is in too much pain/trauma. I also have a cyst on the bone too. He also says there could be nerve damage and I am experiencing the nerves firing off. But that is something further down the line.
So a lot to think about and 'look forward to' but, I do know that there are so many in much worse position than me.

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