Flower Friday From a Funeral

Another funeral of a member of our church.

Like the lady who died earlier in the week, Ardis was in my Sunday School class. She also lived her life as a minister's wife, being married to "Preacher Bob" for many years. Her and her husband were both wonderful people.

We had a full house for her service. She has touched many lives, and was a pillar...a rock of our church, and a great example to all who knew her.

But (isn't there always a but?), she did have her own set of rules. Lisa and I were preparing communion years ago, and there was a lot of "bread" left. We packed it up, prepared to take it home to feed the birds. But....nooooo! Ardis caught us.

"Where you going with that bread?"

"I'm taking it home to feed the birds."

"I don't think so. That bread has been consecrated."

(I thought humor might help.) "Consecrated...ya mean like orange juice?"

"No! That's concentrated...not consecrated!"

So, we threw the bread away...more out of respect for Ardis than anything else.

Our pastor Mike is between the flowers. Mike and his wife Cindy had a special relationship with Ardis. After her husband died, they adopted each other, and were very close. They took her out for Sunday lunch, had her over for Christmas Eve, and even took her on vacation with them.

It's always sad to watch people go downhill, so I'm glad that she is no longer suffering. As it turned out last Sunday, Lisa was able to be with her daughter at her house when she passed.

A sad day, but a joyous one, too. I'm always proud of our group that steps up when we put on a funeral dinner for one of our own.

Rest in peace...our dear sweet Ardis.

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