New Dress, New Gal!

Dd resplendent in her new dress in Ipanema wishing she had this new bag! Choices have to be made though and we prefer to put our efforts into Blipfuture, especially as the crunch negotiations with the owners begin in four days time.

Believe me, this is the place to not only call our own but actually own. I've been elsewhere in parallel for a few months and it just is not the same . . . and we would be at the mercy of other commercial owners as well. Let's be at our own mercy, for better or worse.

And you know what, those sentiments if taken as a vow and sincerely held and respected always produce long term happiness. Call it love, if you like. It's the essence of this place.

You can pledge here to help secure our future but DON'T DELAY . .. WE ARE AT A QUARTER TO MIDNIGHT . . .

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