
By NickMog

As one door closes...

...another door opens. Except that it's not that simple, is it?

So instead of thinking in binary terms. Open/shut, one/zero, yes/no, we should think in terms of possibilities. Schrodinger's doors.

Here's a build-your-own metaphor*:
Out running today, I ignored the usual routes and, whenever I had a choice, I took the more interesting/unknown. As a result, I went through some dull estates but I also found some interesting paths through bits of woodland. Not all of which were horribly wet and muddy.
So, do we make our own doors? Or, as Douglas Adams had it, are we just singing to a cat? A black and white cat. The one in the picture above.

And we are back at the picture - where we started.

(Note to self: make write-ups less tossy and, more importantly, try not to sound like Carrie out of Sex and the City)

*Why should I do all the work?

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