
The rain stopped just after lunch today and I thought I would take a chance and take Daisy to the beach before the rain came back. seemed like a good idea. The huge 'stream' that I blipped last week was still there, not quite as fierce as then, but still quite imposing. I had my wellies on and it look pretty shallow so carrying Daisy I cautiously made my way across, halfway to a sand bank, and all was good. the next step was ok, then as I lifted my right foot, my left foot, that I thought was on safe ground suddenly sunk!, I put my right foot down to save me and that sunk too! The result 2 wellies full of cold sea water! 1 more step and I was safe but soaked, luckily I managed to get across without falling, just felt a bit daft. But as I had got across I thought I might as well carry on squelching walking. In the end my feet were quite warm, my wellies acted like a wetsuit and retained the warmth.  Further up the beach I saw an Oystercatcher and a Redshank. I've not managed to capture a Redshank on film before, so was really pleased I managed to get this shot. 

On my way back, I found a safer way back, but it was still a bit hairy, it was across an old bridge, where some of the boards had been washed away, and the others were very slippery, and had water gushing over them, but very carefully, I made my way across safely. It was a bit of an obstacle course. 

To cap it all off, 250m from the car the heavens opened, with both rain and hail, a right washout! The best part was as soon as I was home, I jumped in a lovely bath, to warm myself up.

The extras are of the Oyster Catcher, a ship in the bay and the weather in the distance.  


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