Girls in the back of the car

(That's Daisy's selfie face and Rosie's car face)

Travelling to my parents for a cup of tea, catch up and to bring the rest of the Christmas chocolates home with us.

A peppermint and licorice tea with Ella this morning and this evening prep for a Norfolk trip starting tomorrow. I have also backed up my (nearly) four years of blips using LooseCanons fabulous tool. Watching my journal being downloaded made me realise (once again) how terribly I would miss this site. Worth a little pledge top up I decided.

And just one of the brilliant things if this site - perfect to remember conversations with Will : who do you think would win in a fit? A dinosaur or a robotic big foot? Depends on which dinosaur we agreed. After I asked what a robotic big foot is. A big foot that is robotic was the logical response.

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