January Diet?

We all went out to East Links Park... it's got different play areas, climbing frames, farm animals and a ball blast arena... the weather was miserable, really cold and raining,  so we had nearly the whole place to ourselves... it was good fun and we had a laugh despite the weather... One of the activities was a giant scale where you could weigh your family to find out how they compared to various farm animals... turns out that just on my own I weigh nearly as much as a pot bellied pig... oh well... 

So now my friends have headed back home to Sweden, It's been fantastic having them visit... 

The crumblies have been amazing, letting everyone come and stay and turning out meals for 9 people each day... 

For little un, this has been her first time staying away from home and she adapted beautifully.  It's been a joy to watch her playing with Lisa's kids and seeing her having so much fun.

For me it's been a holiday and has given me some perspective... Having been in quite an isolated bubble for the last five months, it's been great to integrate my previous life with my new life. I've also had both reassurance and tips and ideas from Lisa about all this parenting lark...I've always thought she was a great mum and now I have my own daughter I really understand just what a fantastic job Lisa has been doing all these years. I've also become even closer and more bonded with little un over the christmas period... she's grown so much and adapted so well to new situations and meeting new people that I can't help but be proud of her...

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