
By Angelique


This was the scene today at midday and for all those who have said it looks like a summer's day, believe me it was so cold my eyes were streaming.  Phoebe was glad of her coat and didn't complain about it.

The tide was out so there were a lot of dog walkers around.  In the smaller blip you can see the seagulls enjoying themselves.  We have had a sewage problem in Newquay last week which affected the River Gannel which flows onto and across the beach.  Probably why the gulls were there!

I have worked all day on the sun project continuing to grind away pieces to get a good fit and then copper foiled all the face.  Looking forward to finishing this first design as it is quite challenging.  The moon face hopefully will be very enjoyable.

I hope you have all enjoyed a good weekend even though the weather isn't very kind to us.  And thank you for the lovely comments on little Phoebe.

Stay safe throughout the week ahead.  xxxx

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