Astute Jargon

By LeslieOakes

Happy Friday

Gardening UGH!! It's getting there though, thankfully... now that I've put that back onto the list of 'boy jobs', and Mr Oakes has taken control. (not creative though - just the grunt work)

As for inside the house, you would think my in laws were coming to visit for how clean it's getting. I'm on a spree of sorts - clearing out things we don't need and trying to get it to a state of easy up keep.

I have been trying to train the acorns to do their bit and take responsibility for their own stuff. After some resistance (me: Lewis, put your clothes in the laundry basket please. Lewis: why? You bought them.) they are getting better... I admit, I used my loudest and most firm 'mum voice' and there have been no more clever remarks. I secretly thank Lewis for setting that example... and my lucky stars I live in the country. ;)

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