
By samsticks

Back to Brunswick

We actually got a reasonable sleep, with The Little Goblin not waking up until past 7am.

We did our regular morning routine of sitting in bed and reading stories before getting ready and heading out to meet with our friends Matt and Nickiy, who were heading back to Perth after a couple of weeks with other friends in Melbourne. We met them in Vietnam 6 years ago as they bought a beaten up old Minsk called Frank to travel around South East Asia on. We ended up bumping into them as we travelled through the same areas as them, and ended up coordinating our trips and travelling with them for a good few weeks (including a great self-guided motorbike trek in Laos around The Loop to Thakek - Gina and I rented a motorbike for the week). It's always great to see them, but we really have an amazing knack of always only overlapping in a place for a matter of hours - it's always a beer or a coffee as one or the other of us heads to the airport.

After a yummy breakfast (coffee infused bacon anyone?), we said our goodbyes and Gina, Miles and I did our shopping and then spent the rest of the day unpacking boxes. We're determined to get our house back to a livable state again as soon as possible.

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