Chicken Soup

There's a lot to hope for when the death of an androgynous, sexually ambiguous alien receives near blanket coverage on mainstream media. I think that speaks volumes about the effect Bowie had on so many people, whether as influence, inspiration or just as a guy who had a few decent tunes. He's dipped in and out of my listening habits over the years, recently, more out than in - for me, his best work was the "Heroes" and "Station to Station" era albums, but there's no denying the message of "Black Star" was Bowie bowing out on his own terms. And for that, I think I'm allowed a little smile. One of the best tributes I've seen today came from newsthump - Bowie hasn't died; he's just gone back to where he came from after spending 69 years on this earth.

In the meantime, we're making chicken soup.

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