A tenuous link

I heard of David Bowie's death first thing this morning and have thought of little else all day. So very sad....and thought provoking.

There are quite a few David Bowie blips, but I've blipped my mum! My nephew made this robot head for a fancy dress event at school some time back, and my mum was persuaded agreed to model it for him!! My mum is my tenuous link to David Bowie as I've always thought they shared the same feature - one blue eye and one brown eye. Today I discovered that he actually had two blue eyes, and the eye that appeared darker had a permanently dilated pupil following a punch to the eye in a fight at school. I'm not sure my mum did much fighting at school....

Anyway, as his wife Iman said "Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory"

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