
Well this online course is certainly working - the assignment to choose a theme "to look out for will train your eye to see detail and opportunity wherever you are, and by the end of the year you'll be able to create a fabulous collage," certainly worked this morning on the allotment - who knew how many photographic opportunities a Polytunnel could bring?!!
Quite a shock to wake to the radio and to discover the man they were talking about was Bowie. It was very hard to watch the videos of his latest songs, the more so since it was cancer and he had 18 months to fight it. I had a text from Friend but she said nothing about him so I decided best left till she mentions him. We are doing a trip to Bude thursday as she has a meeting there, so time to chat as I drive - car journeys provide  a safe place to chat I've found.
Tomorrow I start the first lesson in my drawing course - wish me luck! The very loud character of the village is also doing it so it's going to be a raucous event rather than a refined soiree! 

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