Iv got a lovely Bunch of Pineapples!

Change from earlier blip! 

Day off today so I let Mr W have a bit of a lie in while I caught up on emails, send complains re the Oz delivery, messed about with pictures and caught up on reports. He then surfaced at 11 o'clock!

I then had a message from my sister to say the Christmas parcel AND Photo book I sent 'last year' had finally arrived. Oh the relief. BIG BIG complaint was sent this morning in the hope they will refund the cost of delivery for something that wasn't delivered when they said it would be and in time for Christmas. 

I sorted out my new shopping list of healty food. Iv progressed onto the Jason Vales 'Super Charge me'. A mixture of smoothies, soups and fish dishes. I did actually really enjoy the juice diet but I was a bit gob smacked by the amount of wastage that was caused by the juices. At least the smoothies use more of the whole fruit and vegetable. And I pee'd for England which I know is good for you but highly inconvenient when much of your time is spend on the M25 where there are limited conveniences!!

Mr W has gone to work now so I shall make a few soups for the freezer for the days I dont have time to make them.

I understand the 'Big chat' was happening today at Blip Central. I pledged a little bit more this morning in the hope it bumped it up enough to try and save us. Fingers crossed.


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