3 Bob Challenge: Alphabet: E: Equine

A stunning day. And another chance to post a horse related photo. These two things make me a very happy person :)

After finishing work this morning and then attending an appointment, I was in a hurry to get out and soak up some beautiful sunshine. A quick pit stop at home to refuel and to bundle the dogs into the car.

Headed to George's for a blip, I bumped into him and Debby out for a hack again. Lucky buggers. I had to take a shot of Willie, not only because
I am absolutely in love with this horse he is looking really fit and well but also because the vibrant colours of his head collar matched the bright weather.  

Back home and reunited with My Love who has been out at work all day.

Looking forward to what 'E' Bob finds. Also if the 3BobChallenge will have Extra Bobbage again today.

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