51 Km from Mzuzu

7th January 2016:
The fields look nice and greed but the rains this year have come late and are light compared with the past. I expect climate change will be blamed, but the real issue is deforestation. In our 10 years here hundreds of thousands of acres of forest have been cut down and sold to other countries. Refforestation or planting new seedlings is way beyond their thinking processThe word is that politicians and bureaucrats were the beneficiaries, little or no taxes were collected and now they wonder why the climate has changed. Stupidity and greed might be a better name:

The details:

Area:                          Chipanda
Village:                      Chilerawana
GVH :                          Chilerawana
Distance away:       51  km
Contact :                   -
Phone:                       -
Well Depth:             3.4 m
Water depth:           1.4 m
Source used             Open hole
Longest distance:  410 m
Number                    156
Preschool                 None
Primary                     None
Secondary                None
South                         11. 38. 659
East                            034. 015.302
Donor:                       Sisters of Bon Secours, Cork, Ireland

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