Tiny Tuesday + Flickr Alphabet Challenge

Part of my bead collection.  Now where did that come from?  I make some jewelry pieces occasionally, 80% of the time as gifts for friends.

Three-in-one entry today -- got my rainy day indoor shot, which is also a Tiny Tuesday shot as well as the Flickr Alphabet Challenge shot for this week with the theme of 'Blue'.  And now the icing on the cake -- is this usable for this week's Art Journal theme 'Be Brave'?  Tsk tsk tsk ...

A beautiful blue sky when I left the house for work but by the time I was on the other side of the Moerdijk Bridge it had all changed to the rather depressing shade of grey that took over the rest of the day.  Got to do what I wanted to do before work -- picked up hubby's two trousers from the drycleaner's and some staples from the supermarket, filled the diesel tank, got to do what I had to do at work -- finished the planning for Block 3 (this block went very very quickly) but essay-correction should start tomorrow, dead sure, and now I've got some things lined up for this evening as well.

Not bothered too much today with the burn-out symptoms -- less nausea and slower heartbeat.  It really pays to have a good quiet hour in the morning.  By the way, I've counted my poems and compared the number to what I usually find in the normal poetry collections.  It appears that I have enough for a good-sized book.  Shall I share?  This is the middle portion of a 3-part piece called 'Whirling':

You read my haiku about whirling, in the garden like leaves
gone mad in the June wind, the souls of all the dandelions
that ever lived.  You told me then that twirling is all that is left.
Whirling is impossible and can't be written about just like that. 

            I need to run after my poems like a woman looking
            for a long-lost son, waiting for the guns of war to shoot him
            home, back into her kitchen, back into the feeding chair,
            its arms embracing him with its own hunger.

Sometimes I think it is more of a sin not to covet.  Sometimes
I think it is more unnatural, although no one has to understand
anything I do, which makes me free.  And then I look around
and see people who are happily unfree.

As though whirling was something you couldn't do on purpose.

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