
The recent heavy rainfall has resulted in flooding on minor roads and in many fields around Tamworth. Vegetation is growing at an alarming rate and many of the fields around Alvecote are carpeted with these small lilac coloured flowers (the photo doesn't do them justice). No rain as yet today, in fact we have some blue sky, but not for long I fear!

This afternoon we are going to collect THE DRESS ready for Lucy's Prom on Wednesday......I feel like the mother of the bride, there is so much to organise!!

Rob is chilling today after his week away.....all his washing is done and he doesn't appear to have lost anything important!

Lucy is representing Tamworth in a swimming gala this evening at the Snowdome Pool, teams from 5 other towns are will be interesting to see what disruption the flooded car park causes.

Hope you're all having a great weekend....with at least a little sunshine x

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