Crazy play

R had a ball this am at our TBC baby group and I enjoyed seeing my Mummy friends again too. R is sitting up so confidently on her own now and rocking and rolling about desperately trying to crawl. She loved sitting in the sea of toys, I love this crazy expression of joy on her face!!

We whizzed to the clinic to get R weighed as it's been a couple of months. I am amazed, she now weighs 20lb at 8 months and has shot up from 16lb 8 last time to just under the 91st centile line. Wow - all those meals and milky feeds are working well!

We nipped to the park after school so C could have a play, the wind was bitter though despite the sun being out so we headed in quite quickly!

Baby sleep advice from the HV today so am trying some new strategies, music in background and all sorts! Here's hoping...

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