Tumble Tots

Rach asked me if I'd take Scarlett to Tumble Tots this morning as she had a dentist appointment at the same time. It was great, Scarlett really loves it and as parents/grandparents are expected to do everything as well, it's the most exercise I've done in the last 5 months and it was about the right level for me lol!

We're now at mum's for a couple of hours and then tonight Rach has booked a 4d scan of the baby as she wants Scarlett to have a bonding session with 'baby sister' - we just hope she'll be facing the right way so we actually get to see her.

Alan's at the airport in Singapore ready for his flight home and will land tomorrow morning and thanks to seeing other Blips, he's got his camera with him and is going to visit the butterfly garden.

Anyway, it's Friday, so I hope you all have a great weekend!

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