At Last.

Daughter Number 2 sent me this picture today as she finally received her Christmas presents I send way back on the 8th December.

As many of you know, its been a bit of an ongoing and very stressful saga getting these bits delivered. If it wasn't bad enough that DN2 is half way round the world and I hav'nt seen her since September, her boyfriend then messed me about with 'shall I, sharnt I take them for you' claiming they might be "dodgy", the Courier then couldn't deliver to a Po Box and failed to tell me for a week, leaving it too late for Christmas, then claimed the parcel was lost, then Interparcel blamed the delay on DPD and DPD blamed the delay on Interparcel. Then.......when it finally arrived I asked for a refund of my £54.45 postage fee or at least some compensation and blimmin Interparcel had the cheek to blame me for not writing a new Shipping label when they were given a different address because they wouldn't accept the PoBox address! They never even sent me a shipping lable or asked me over the phone to complete one.

So its a bitter sweet ending to the Christmas present saga, one I wont be repeating and hopefully she will be home next Christmas.

And the other good news is the Canvas I ordered on the 13th December for Gill and Jasmine also arrived today. It was the 3rd one they sent out. Apparently they all kept getting lost!!! So we 'nipped' up to Enfield  for an impromptu visit and they both loved it!

All's well that ends well....but do I fight for the money back from Inter parcel or leave it at that??????

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