Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Old cow

Now look 'ere. You lookin' at me? Cause I'm lookin' at you. At least, I'm trying to. It's a bad hair day but hey! I've got eyes here somewhere. Just need to find them....

Got back into the village this morning after my swim to see 'Road Closed' signs which we weren't expecting. Bad news for us, as our normally quiet lane is one of the diversion routes. I went for a walk this afternoon to see if I could see what was going on but although the signs are up, clearly the road isn't actually closed yet. One part of the walk is next to a long-closed road through a ford with a stream alongside; I spotted a dead sheep in the stream which was a puzzle as the nearest sheep farm is about a mile away. Presumably it had escaped and got lost.

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