Sense of Purpose

By brainfreeze

Guide to life management by brainfreeze - part 289

- Apply to study Business Economics and Rural Industries at the North Karelia University of Applied Sciences. The former is usually harder to get into.

- Place Business Economics before Rural Industries in the order of preference. Later, when it's too late, change your mind about the order.

- Apply for - and get granted - unemployment benefits with some "extra" compensation (which is more money than student allowance) for studies in Rural Industries. Never apply it for Business Economics, because you're not getting in there, anyway. Mentally, slowly start to orientate yourself for a future as a Rural Industries student.

- Attend both entrance examinations, but with Business Economics, do so without reading any of the 80 pages of material for the test.

- Find out you have gotten enough points for both of the aforementioned programs, but because of the order of preference at the time of applying, you have been chosen into Business Economics, but not for Rural Industries as you can only be chosen into one training program. It is unlikely you can change your training program as the selected students have already been noticed about the selections. It is also unlikely that you get admitted unemployment benefits at this stage, only student allowance. This will not stop you from trying on both accounts next week(s).

- Congratulations, you have succesfully and unwittingly pranked/trolled yourself!

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