
By Norisan

Strange place for a bamboo to be on Tanabata

Unfortunately a rainy day outside.
Actually quite disastrous in the west. Some flooding causing huge disruption.

Today July 7th was a day called Tanabata in Japan.
I'm not going into what this is, but in present days, there is a custom to make wishes and write it down on colored paper to hang it on a bamboo tree.

So that's what I see. In an underground station...? The first time to this in a place like this. I guess someone hesitated to put it outside when it's raining so badly.

Was wondering what kind of wishes people wrote.
Let me see...
Okay, I see many people want a boy/girl friend. Pretty much what the original story of Tanabata comes from so that makes lots of sense.

Enjoyed a light dinner with one of my colleagues who still works in the same branch office where I used to work for three years before moving to Scotland.
Lot's of updates about my former workplace.
Time goes by so quickly. So many drastic changes happened, I feel completely out-to-date of the situation now. But was great to here everyone was doing well.

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